Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Self portrait.

Ok, so for the observant viewers amongst you, you will notice that this is in fact my first blogpost on here since July 2011. I don't know why but over the last few weeks I've had a sudden wave of inspiration to start blogging again and now that I'm back at home, with all my first year uni exams out the way, I thought I'd get cracking with this blogging business again. I think I'm going to go for the same kind of vibe as what I had on here before, with stuff like outfit posts and what is inspiring me at the moment etc etc but what I want to add in which I didn't do before is product reviews. Being a typical girlie girl I get through endless amounts of crap that I see in Boots or Superdrug, and the quality of what I buy varies immensely from brand to brand and even from product to product. Because of this I think it will be quite useful for readers to see what my own personal opinions are as I know reviews definitely help me a lot when deciding what to buy. 

To give you a brief overview of myself, I'm 19 years old and am currently living in Coseley,  a small town about 7 miles out of Birmingham City Centre. However, I've only just moved back here after spending the last 9 months in Leeds where I've been a first year studying Public Relations at Leeds Met. It's pretty safe to say that I've had the most unreal year of my life there and can't wait to re-live all again when I move back at the end of the Summer. Until then I plan to have a great summer with a nice cheeky trip to Gran Canaria in 2 weeks time which I cannot wait for. 

So anyway, apologies if I've bored you with this slightly random and seemingly pointless post but I just thought it would be best to give a brief (re)-introduction before I start firing posts at you again.

Thanks for reading

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